Chrome OS updated with launcher folders, improved window controls, and more

Chrome OS
We love it when a Chrome OS update brings some new features and UI changes. The under-the-hood fixes are always appreciated, but you often don't get that fuzzy update feeling unless there are changes you can see. Lucky for us, the 35.0.1916.116 update brings a couple great new features to the UI — folders in the launcher, and the return of the minimize button. Hooray!
The highlights of today's update:
  • The Chrome OS Launcher now supports folders - you can sort all of your apps exactly the way you want.
  • We updated the window controls based on the feedback of our users - the minimize button is back and the left/right tiling of windows can be done via long-press on the maximize button.
  • Hotwording (or "Ok Google") is now available on New Tab Page and for English (US) users.
  • We've implemented captive portal detection during a signed-in session, which will help you get online in cafes, hotels, airports, and other locations which provide internet connectivity via a captive portal.
The update is pushing now to all Chrome devices except the ASUS Chromebox and Samsung Series 3 Chromebox. We imagine a similar update is in the works for those and we'll see it shortly.


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