Fashion Sense: Wine Bags

Fashion-conscious wine drinkers can keep their favourite tipple close by at all times with this stylish handbag.
Fashionable alcoholics like Bajan singer Rihanna can now keep their favorite alcoholic beverage close at hand with these high end wine bags. The bags come in several colors and styled to look like the familiar Louis Vuitton Damier monogram. The wine bags will make it easier for on-the-go boozers (like Rihanna) who are too busy to stop at the nearest bar for a drink.

Fashion-conscious wine drinkers can keep their favourite tipple close by at all times with this stylish handbag.

Fashion-conscious wine drinkers can keep their favourite tipple close by at all times with this stylish handbag. The 1.5litre bag is cleverly designed to look like an ordinary accessory but lets connoisseurs keep their red, white or rose on tap.
Partygoers can make sure they are the life and soul at every event by offering other guests a sip from their secret stash. Or they can use it to keep a protective eye on their chosen poison and make sure no-one else helps themselves. Ben Redhead, buyer at website Firebox, which sells the handbags, says the bags are fashionable and practical.


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