New doll comes armed with tiny tablet and smartphone to break the plastic ceiling

'When you ask a girl what a computer scientist is, she usually pictures a geeky guy typing away. And then we wonder why girls don’t pursue careers in tech! We have to change popular culture and start showing more women, more cool, dynamic, creative women, in these roles.'

The campaign's participants offered career tips to young fans in a Twitter discussion Wednesday afternoon, using the hashtag #BarbieChat. Barbie will also get her own LinkedIn page and a billboard in New York's Times Square featuring the hashtag #unapologetic.
launched in 2010 in an effort to showcase modern-day careers for women.
'She's ready to take on anything that comes her way,' Mattel spokeswoman Michelle Chidoni said earlier this year.

'We always try to make career Barbie a reflection of the times,' she added. 'Women entrepreneurs are more prevalent now and they’re growing in number. [It's] a great way to encourage girls to also learn about this role.'
It's the first time in her 55-year history that Barbie has taken on the role of business owner, where women are 'living their dreams their own ways.'
Chidoni said Mattel is also partnering with the Girl Scouts to create video stories of successful female entrepreneurs.
Barbie Entrepreneur comes in four ethnicities and will retail for $12.99, according to CNN.
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