Ringly SmartRing Is Coming Soon

Startup company, Ringly, is looking towards another direction of tech wearables with its new line of rings. Tech wearables are usually believed to be bulky, heavy and perhaps, boring. Ringly creates jewelry and accessories that connect to your phone and notify you about the things that matter most.
The Ringly Rings can be connected to a mobile device via the Ringly app, which fortunately runs on both Android and Apple phones. Whenever the user receives a call, text or any form of notification, the ring lights up and buzzes to notify the user.
This sounds like a very useful device especially to people who drop mobile devices in bags and therefore, misses a lot of important calls and notifications. Users can also customize the ring to produce different lights and buzzes depending on the type of notification or who is calling.
Co-founder of Ringly, Christina Mercando, while fiddling with her rings one day came up with this brilliant concept as a solution to a problem that had plagued her and many other women. Most women carry their phones in bags and purses, so they may miss calls and texts. Mercando concluded that a wearable notification system was the answer. Every woman will definitely prefer to wear a fashionable ring!
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