awesome at&t mobile

It's OK not to love everything
We're about to see what Samsung and Motorola have to show us for their annual release of two really nice Android phones — the Galaxy Note 4 and the next version of the Moto X — as well as assorted other products like watches, and maybe even some super-duper secret things that will make us all want to spend money. This means the hype machines will be turned up to 11, and the Internet will be filled with things about them until Apple does the same thing later in the week.After that, of course comes the obligatory comparisons of all the phones and devices from all the companies and all the tech press, complete with loads of gushing and hyperbole. We'll be part of this, and we want to be part of it all. You'll also be reading all of it, both here at Android Central and across the Internet as a whole. Nothing interests a smartphone fan quite like a device launch, and when they come on the heels of each other we all get some sort of bloodlust-like fervor to both consume all the information available and to jump in and add to the fray ourselves.
It's fun as hell, more interesting than it should be, and makes for good business all around.
Just remember to take it all with a big grain of salt, because opinions aren't universally true and not everything can be awesome.
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