female stylish bags...spreee

The handbag of a women is a pretty standard item, like shoes and underwear. However, the contents almost always vary; according to profession, stage in their lives (biscuit-crumbs-at-the-bottom-of-your-bag mums, we feel you), and your overall personality. I love reading posts like these; it absolutely fascinates me seeing a glimpse of what a person may be like from the things they use on a daily basis.

1. A gorgeous bag from the #givemeAldoSA launch. A black standard bag goes with everything, and this one is great because it’s a pretty decent size, and the gold embellishments add character.
2. A smaller bag. This is a flat clutch from Forever New, and slips perfectly into almost any bag. I love putting important items into something smaller. It makes it easier to just transfer that when changing bags, and if your headed out for an errand or caught with needing to go out in the evening, you have it on hand.
3. A bright wallet always makes me happy. It’s easier to find when in a rush, and I particularly like this one because it’s flat and compact.
4. A diary. Whilst most things get stored on my phone, it’s sometimes easier to have a pen and paper to stay organized, or brain storm. This particular one was categorized for me, and holds sentimental value with a small inspirational message to remind me not to fall apart (and not to ever stop blogging!).
5. A fine liner pen. I prefer these over ball points because of it’s universal use and lasting power. Writes on clothes, cardboard, CD’s, etc. And it’s way more fun to doodle with.
6. Hand sanitizer spray. A small little spray bottle from Oh So Heavenly is a must have in your bag. It isn’t as sticky as the normal gel sanitizer, and dispenses the perfect amount.
7. Hand cream. Especially for wintery months, it’s never a bad idea to have a small miniature cream on hand (see what I did there?) I absolutely love the Victoria’s Secret creams (or anything Victoria’s Secret, really!)
8. Lip Balm. My go-to lip balms are now baby lips. The two I have both smell amazing, and, depending on whether I want a red tint or a nude lip, they give off a subtle colour, appreciated in winter.
9.  Powder foundation. I particularly like MAC Studio Fix, because of it’s staying power and coverage. At the end of a long day, no one wants to reapply liquid foundation, so a dusting of this readds a bit of colour to skin, without looking caked.
10. Red lipstick. You have no idea how useful I have found this to be; whether it’s to slyly add a dot to my cheeks for some colour, or a full on red lip for a pick-me-up. I really love MAC Russian Red, or MAC Viva Glam. They’re both matte lipsticks, so last all day (even after you’ve eaten a burger, I’ve tried!)
11. Pepper Spray. I live in Johannesburg, and as a woman, safety can sometimes become an issue. Although I have yet to use it, I like knowing that I have some sort of mild protection to keep my mind at peace.
12. Keys. An obvious one for your bag, but I keep these in the outer zip of the small bag. It makes it so much easier to locate, and you’ll almost never forget them with your mini traveling purse.
13. Perfume. I am obsessed with this Roberto Cavalli perfume (Acqua), it has such a lingering scent, and works well for both day and night.
14. A USB memory stick. I got this one from Celio, and love it for it’s fun shape, bright colour and it’s size, because I have a knack of losing these things. Whilst it’s main use it for campus (and series!), I’ve found it particularly useful in random occasions as well.
15. A hairband. I hate having hairbands on my wrist because it gives me something to fidget with, and inevitably lose. This and a bobby pin or two definitely come in handy.
16. Cellphone. I considered leaving this out, because it’s virtually always in my hand or in my pocket because I hate having that mini heart attack hunting for it in my bag. (And with the amount of bag snatching these days, I prefer it that way!)


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