check out 5 Quick Ways To Tackle Dry Skin

5 Quick Ways To Tackle Dry SkinDry skin becomes a problem when its extreme and as much extremely oily skin is not exactly desirable, and with dry skin comes flakiness, dullness and a generally lack lustre skin that is not attractive or healthy.There are quick ways to tackle dry skin...
1. Oil Therapy Rub on some olive, almond or coconut oil and massage lightly on to your hands, legs and the rest of your body before heading for a shower. If time permits, heat the oil and then apply.
2. Glycerin And Rose Water.
If you suffer severely from dry skin add 1/3 glycerin and rose water and apply on your body you will see the magic
3. Milk
Milk cream makes for a very good moisturizer. Mix a few drops of lime and two tsp. of milk cream and rub onto your hands and legs. Leave it on for a while before you head for a shower. You’ll see the difference immediately
4.  Olive Oil
When you are finished with your shower DO NOT DRY OFF-use Olive Oil all over your body. By the time you cover yourself in oil the left over water will have dried. Do this before you get out of your shower/tub. The steam will keep your pores open while you apply. Once your body feels the cooler air your pores will automatically begin to close. Thus keeping anything you apply on the top of the skin instead of being absorbed immediately.
5. Try Natural Exfoliants Like Yoghurt and Pawpaw
You can find plenty of options for natural dry skin care in your kitchen, or in the produce and diary aisles of your supermarket. Yogurt, especially the plain Greek variety, makes an excellent cleanser with a mild exfoliating action that will remove dry skin and leave you feeling refreshed and comfortable. studies show its a safe exfoliant for very dry skin because it exfoliates using lactic acid, not scrubbing granules.
Mix ½ cup of Greek yogurt with 3 tablespoons of mashed-up pawpaw, and apply to skin. Leave on face or body for 5 to 15 minutes.


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