see our latest watches trends

406789_258553000880229_131697980_nLong time ago, watches were wore because of necessity to know what time it was, nowadays with the developing technology you can easily check the time on your phone, TV or anywhere you might be. Watches are now a trend, more of a jewellery than necessity; that’s why oversized watches are the most love one right now. They are a symbol of fashion and trend; you seem oversized watches everywhere, they come well decorated with rhinestones and metal wrist.
When it comes to material, yellow gold, silver and rose gold are the most popular ones.
Rose gold is a new trend for this year and you will mostly see it on the oversized watches, it’s a beautiful trend that can be combined with coral bracelets and outfits; and the good thing of rose gold is that you can find it with amazing low prices on the shops as it is a blend of yellow gold with copper.
Another amazing way of combining rose gold oversized watches is by combining it with copper color accessories, shoes, bracelet, earrings and so on.
Stacked bracelets have gotten a huge popularity this season and another fashionable way of wearing your oversized watch is by placing it in the middle of stacked bracelets-which usually come in many different colors to suit your outfit perfectly. If you are looking for some unique and beautiful oversized watch trends then look below and get ready to go shopping if you already don’t have one.
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