Emma Nyra and Victoria Kimani

Emma-Nyra-Victoria-Kimani-for-The-Celebrity-Shoot-Season-7- The very talented celebrity fashion designer has once again outdone herself in her celebrity shoot. The season 7 of this shoot features 2 beautiful women, Emma Nyra and Victoria Kimani With this platform, fashion designer Abbyke Domina @abbykedomina celebrates not only the achievements of successful beautiful Nigerian women, she also showcases modern and gorgeous outfit Emma-Nyra-Victoria-Kimani-for-The-Celebrity-Shoot-Season-7 2

Emma Nyra: Hello my name is Emma Chukwugoziam Obi aka Emma Nyra. I am the second daughter of 4 children and I was born and raised in Texas. I have been recording and singing professionally since I was 16 years old. When I graduated from Texas Southern University in 2010 I began my journey into the Entertainment Industry. Apart from singing I am also a runway and print model and I have acted in several Nollywood USA films.

 Q: Fashion to you means?

 Emma Nyra: Fashion to Emma Nyra is the way in which one chooses to express themselves through their clothing, accessories, etc.

Q: How do you handle difficult moment with the public based on your fashion sense?

 Emma Nyra: Difficult moments in the public will always come because fashion is forever changing. I handle it by taking critiques as they come.

 Q: How do describe your fashion lane? Do u go with trends or who Emma is?

 Emma Nyra: My fashion lane is classy yet still sexy. I am a young female artiste so I do feel as though it is necessary to push the fashion boundaries and to break the rules a bit. I love to try new styles and to go to uncharted territory

. Q: Your embarrassing moment?

 Emma Nyra: My most embarrassing fashion moment was when I was a part of a dance group in university. As I was dancing on stage my pants ripped and I had to pretend o was dancing away even though I was really just trying to hide my split I’m my pants!

celebrity shoot Q: Can we meet ?

Victoria Kimani: Sure ;) I’m Victoria Kimani,singer and actress, chocolate city First Lady.

 Q: What does fashion mean to you?

Victoria Kimani: Self expression….mood, Fashion is life

Q: How do u handle difficult moment with the public based on your fashion sense?

 Victoria Kimani: I try to take constructive feedback into consideration …then ignore the rest

Q: How can you describe your fashion lane?

Victoria Kimani: Edgy, fun, African- sexy , depending on how I feel… I dress casually alot but I live the glam too…

Q: Do u go with trends or who Victoria is?

 Victoria Kimani: Who Victoria is … and trends if they match how I’m feeling…

Q: Most embarrassing fashion moment.

Victoria Kimani: I had a pair of pants that ripped right under my butt. …lol…I guess I gained a few in the right places…and my pants were not having that hehe


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