Women adores sparkly things and especially if
it is her footwear. You can always buy a pair of jeweled shoes at online
stores or from your local market, but have you ever thought of making
one by yourself at home? No, it’s not that hard as you think. All you
are going to need is the patience to make it at home and feel confident
about the design. Doing it by yourself will let you customize the
designs and make new ones. On the other, if you buy any of them you will
just have another pair of shoes that is available for all other ladies.
So if you are into making something different and unique, making
jeweled heels at your home would be an appropriate decision!
You can make gorgeous jeweled heels at home and wear it any of your
upcoming party. It will also give you the option to wear a pair of
jeweled heels when you don’t have enough time to go and buy one. If you
are thinking you might need to expense a lot for the materials, then you
are wrong. You will need some very simple and common things which might
be already available at your home.
At first, you have to choose a proper pair of shoes with heels to
make it jeweled. When you have chosen the pair of shoes, next you have
to buy or gather some rhinestones. Having enough amounts will help you
to create different designs and you don’t have to rush in buying more
when you are out of the rhinestones in the middle of your work. So let’s
keep 40-50 large and medium multi-shaped rhinestones and 30-40 small
round rhinestones. If you want different designs, you can always choose
them but make sure that the design of the rhinestone matches with your
You will also need a E-6000 glue, a container or a small dish,
toothpick and tweezers. If you already have some rhinestones then you
can arrange them to make the pattern. But if you want it to be more
specific and attractive, you can buy or collect more to start the
project. Gather all the materials to start with the application. Have
your shoes cleaned especially on the area where you are going to apply
the rhinestones.
If you are using pre-set rhinestones then you are going to need flat
nose pliers to open the prongs to release the crystal rhinestones. But
if you are using the flat back ones then you can directly start with
applying the glue. To start with the glue, you will need a container or a
small dish to squeeze some on it. If you apply the glue each time on
each rhinestone, it will take more time so it would be better to apply
some on a surface.
Start from the top of the center of the heel with the largest
rhinestone. Hold the largest rhinestone with the tweezers and dip it
into the glue follower by pressing it on the required location. Make a
pattern where the larger ones will be clustered together and the shapes
of the rhinestones will gradually reduce to the smaller ones.
The smaller rhinestones will be applied from the middle of the heels
till the end. There will be some bare spots in the middle of the large
and medium rhinestones where you have to fill them with small
rhinestones to make it look filled up. When you are applying the smaller
rhinestones, don’t apply the glue from the small dish or any flat
surface. Instead you can apply the glue on back of them by using a
toothpick. Grab a toothpick and dip it into the glue and apply it on the
back of the rhinestones before you apply each of them to the heel.
When you are done with the first shoe, start with the next one and
follow the pattern you have used for the first one. Let them dry for few
hours and then you are ready to wear your jeweled heels for any party
you want to rock on! As it is a very easy process, try once at home to
experiment so that you can do it anytime when you are really in need of a
pair of jeweled heels!
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