Denola Grey: Accessories Are a Man’s Best Friend – Your Guide to Getting them Right!

Denola Grey - Bellanaija - August 2014
There is nothing better than getting the perfect outfit down and knowing that you put that all together on your own. As someone who has been through numerous phases in terms of fashion, and finally settling on a style that has worked for him, I can comfortably speak from experience on certain faux pas.
One of the trickiest things to do when getting dressed is accessorizing appropriately. As some fashionistas know, even the most prolific style icons have spoken about this feat. I believe it was Coco Chanel that said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off“. Truer words have never been spoken. I mean I’ve seen some people leave their homes with what would have been a perfect outfit, but was marred by just one accessory; an overly chunk necklace, unnecessary belt, too large earrings etc. It’s important to know what works and stick to that.
So here are a few things you should note.
1. Over-accessorizing is NOT the new black
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With all the new trends and fads in men and women’s fashion, we have the tendency to want to incorporate them into our style, sometimes, all at once. This is never a good idea. Trust me, I did this when I was still in college. I thought I was so cool, but on the contrary, I looked like an extra in a low budget gypsy movie. Thank God for growth.
2. Brace yourself appropriately
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I have come to accept that the leather cuff for men is here to stay and never going anywhere, which is much to my dismay. I just ask that when buying a leather cuff, it shouldn’t take up your whole wrist or look like roughened cowhide. It’s seriously the most unsanitary thing (think sweat and absorbent leather).
Furthermore, the leather cuff with the ‘edgy’ spike should be discarded and left where it belongs; on the floor of a barely sold out Nickelback concert. Opt for more suave woven leather cords or even i.d bracelets. Shamballa bracelets are still ok to rock.
3. S is for Superhero
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YOU! Yes, you there with the H belt; which 9 times out of 10 is not even Hermes, this one is for you! While I appreciate that our favorite superheroes have inspired us to be better people and be upstanding citizens, I draw the line at people trying to dress like them. The oversized ‘look-at-me-by-force’ belt buckle trend needed to have been curbed as soon as it started; Hermes, True Religion Gucci etc. Please stop. These designers that you seem to favor have more demure subtle and classier belts you can opt for.
There is nothing more vulgar than trying to shove labels down people throats. I mean, I’ve seen someone wear a big ‘H’ Hermes belt over trad! Trad!!!
4. Fun socks are always a plus
Since it seems like I’m always telling y’all off, so this is a more fun suggestion. A fun thing I’ve found that adds to my style is wearing quirky or colored socks. Polka dots, printed, striped socks can all add to pizazz and can make a boring outfit look like a blast-in-a-glass. It’s not for everyone of course, but don’t knock it till you try it. Of course plain socks for printed or busy outfits and print socks for solid color outfits!
5. Waistcoats/Vests
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I think I’ve written about this before, but ill just throw it in here again. Waistcoats are the perfect transition piece! And they are also the male version of Spanx I guess. I know for a fact that my waistcoat serves me in two ways; it makes my outfit look more thought out and suave on one hand, and it hides my food baby/ tells me when I’ve had enough to eat on the other! Can be worn with jeans and a button up or with a suit. Every guy should have an earth tone and a black waistcoat.
I will always say wear whatever works for you and express yourself as freely as you can, but remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Till next time. Stay blessed and well dressed.


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