loss is scary for all of us. Aside from the obvious superficial
concerns, hair loss has also been linked to certain health problems, and
is often an accurate indication of hormonal changes within the body. So
it’s completely normal to be somewhat concerned when you begin losing
clumps of your hair to your hair brush or better yet your shower drain.
I’ve been there, and Lord knows I had no sooner rinsed the shampoo out
of my hair than I was already halfway to the doctors’ office. It wasn’t
till years after that particular incident that I learnt about healthy
hair loss.
Yet the question remains;
how can we tell the difference between normal hair loss and hair loss we
should look into? And how much is too much when it comes to hair loss?
Where do we draw the line? In most cases, it’s fairly straightforward;
the key is in being able to identify between two forms of hair loss –
shedding vs. breakage.
Simply put, shed hair is that which has come to the end of its growth
cycle and as a result naturally falls out from the scalp including its
bulb root. Hair growth cycles usually last up to 6 years and the scalp
will shed said hairs in preparation for the next growth cycle.
Therefore, as this occurrence is a natural by-product of a healthy and
functional scalp, shed hairs cannot be prevented and neither should they
normally be a cause for major concern.
growth cycles aside, there are a number of internal changes in the body
that have been known to result in increased hair shedding. Many women
experience increased shedding as a result of changes that occur during
their monthly cycles, menopause and pregnancy – just as women have been
known to report increased hair growth during pregnancy so have they
commonly experienced postpartum shedding. Finally, increased hair
shedding could also be a result of genetic composition, illness, and a
sudden change in diet and/or medication.
Hair breakage refers to the instances when hair breaks and falls from
anywhere other than the root itself and usually occurs as a result of
hair malpractice. Such malpractices may include anything from permanent
chemical alterations (e.g. colouring, relaxing and other alkaline
treatments) to poor handling techniques and dryness. The older the hair
is, the more susceptible it will be to such damage. This explains why
the majority of us will notice that breakage tends to happen closer to
the ends of our hair rather than near the root where the hair is newly
grown and had experienced far less natural weathering.
How much is too much?
On average we naturally shed 50-100 strands of hair a day (which is
quite a remarkably large number in my opinion) so if you are
experiencing more than this you may want to see a specialist about it.
first, I’d like to clarify something – noticing a lot of hair in your
comb/brush or drain after weeks of having a protective style does not
necessarily mean what you are experiencing is an increase of shed hair.
We’ve all done it, you know, that ‘hold the ball of shed hair hair in my
hands and glare at it until it magically reattaches itself to my scalp‘
act we do almost every time we take out twists, braids, or week-long
However, due to the nature of
afro-textured hair, our individual hair strands are almost always
intertwined with each other, protective styling or not. What this means
is that those 75+ strands that would normally fall daily are being
intertwined with other hairs until that fateful day when we decide to
wash and detangle. Whereas this means we ought not panic as what we see
is merely a buildup of shed hairs over a long period of time, it is
still key that we make sure we are gentle enough with our hair when
trying to separate shed hairs from other hairs in order to avoid
creating knots that will cause the other hairs to snap/break.
Testing: Which ones are shed hairs & which ones are broken hair?
The Bulb Test:
Place the fallen hair(s) under clear light and if you can spot the tiny
white bulb at the root then it is most definitely a shed hair.
The Length Test: Broken hairs are usually much shorter
than shed hairs/other hairs on the head as they break from along the
strand as opposed to falling from the root. So if it’s noticeably
shorter, chances are it’s a broken hair.
The Colour Test: Shed hairs will more than often appear
colourless/dull in colour as the hair ceases to produce melanin right
before the end of its growth cycle, meaning if the fallen hair appears
whiter/duller that other hairs, then it’s more than likely a shed hair.
there you have it ladies – a brief overview of shedding vs. breakage in
order to help us correctly identify and attend more appropriately to
our hair needs!
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