Traditional Benin Brides | Looks by Hilda

Looks by Hilda | Benin Edo Bridal Makeup | BellaNaija 006
Looks by Hilda is presenting this look book to inspire Benin brides.
Edo brides are known for their elaborate beaded bridal wear – complete with a crown and accessories. The hair – the most important part of the look, is made into a high bun hairstyle known as Eto-Okuku, typically created with black gel. Coral beads are then sewn into the hair or extensions in to the form of a crown, called Okuku. Many brides buy wigs ready made with the hair and crown.
The coral bead accessories accentuate the regal look. Beaded necklaces are called ivie-uru, hand beads – ivie-ebo, earrings – emi-ehorivie, a beaded clutch – ekpa-ivie and a poncho like cape/beaded top called ewu-ivie. Many also wear slippers or shoes covered with beads.
For the complete look, brides wear different fabrics of wrappers – some wear embellished George, some opt for velvet or lace of different colours – anything looks great with beads.
For our last post on Benin brides, click here!
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